A.U.R.A - Advanced Utility for Reliable Acquisition (Embedded Helmet Firmware)
This code is a healthy mix of example code from various libraries with a special thanks to Adafruit for their awesome hardware and software.
Note: I will have a circuit diagram in the future. This is a pretty simple one though. All of the devices are I2C devices that can be daisy-chained and it's powered by USB.
- Teensy 4.0 - Main Processor
- Adafruit LSM6SDSOX+LIS3MDL - 9-DOF Sensor
- Adafruit Mini GPS - GPS
- Adafruit HTS221 Humidity Sensor - Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- 128x64 OLED Display - Optional: This was used to tune the system, especially the motorization that's in progress.
- Wire
- Adafruit GFX Library
- Adafruit SSD1306
- Adafruit Sensor Calibration
- Adafruit GPS Library
- Adafruit HTS221
- Servo (for PWMServo)
- Bounce2
- Adafruit Seesaw
- ArduinoJson
- Adafruit AHRS
- Adafruit LSM6DS
This firmware is currently being built in the Arduino IDE using the libraries and target hardware mentioned above.